In a spa you will find several treatments, from hydrotherapies, peeling, to massages.
But all of them aim to achieve maximum relaxation and enjoyment of the person.
There are some treatments, ideal to achieve the peace we are looking for so much, we are talking about rituals.
The Rituals in a Spa
The rituals, we can perform them alone or as a couple, and their goal is to connect nature with the human being.
This is achieved through the use of 100% natural products. Combined with water, heat and massage.
Each spa has its own rituals and each of them is given a name, which is usually suggestive.
For them, it is advised that if you are not sure what it is, the ideal is to inform us what each ritual consists of, what products are used, the duration, etc.
In some of the most performed rituals are used products such as: algae, cocoa, mud, green tea or citrus, among others.
Although they seem very rare products to achieve a relaxing effect, they are chosen for their multiple benefits.
Without going any further, the algae are protective of the skin, in addition to its anti-stress effects. They are ideal to achieve an anti-cellulite result, since they help eliminate localized fats, in addition to eliminating toxins, since the iodine they contain accelerates the metabolism, favoring cellular reproduction.
On the other hand, cocoa and mud, although it seems impossible, contain various aesthetic and therapeutic properties.
In this way, they act as a muscle relaxant, as well as a nutritious and restorative treatment for dry or very dry skin, especially after sunbathing.
They are also used to calm states of exhaustion or stress, since they revitalize and generate endorphins.
Also, rituals where citrus are applied often seek an anti-age and vitality result.
This is thanks to its high content of vitamin C. As well as slowing down the aging process, they also stimulate rapid skin regeneration.
However, it is usually recommended to ask the professionals the best choice, since it depends a lot on the result we want to obtain.
Or perhaps, we are attracted to other options, once we are clear about what each one consists of.