The Turkish bath is considered by some as a way of life. Steam decongests the breath and eliminates toxins.
Making it a therapeutic, relaxing and healthy method. But it is very important to perform an adequate installation and carry out a good maintenance.
Cleaning and maintenance of a Turkish bath
Having a turbo bath at home is one of the best decisions we can make. Not only is it easy to install, but because it has a humid environment, it is not overwhelming.
Therefore, having a Turkish bath or hammam, is ideal for the purpose of the day after a long and exhausting working day.
Regarding its installation, it is necessary to take into account some aspects. On the one hand, it is recommended that its height proportions be small, at most 2.5 meters.
This is due to the fact that the generated steam tends to rise, so a small cabin is preferable for the steam to condense.
Also, it is advisable to maintain a slope to avoid the “rain effect”, caused by the condensation of heat.
On the other hand, we must not forget that the temperature must be between 45 and 65 ºC, since, we must not forget that the humidity of the Turkish baths is very high.
That is why, the bathroom benches should be made with stone materials, such as marble, or also acrylic. But the humidity will cause great deterioration in other materials.
Regarding its cleaning and maintenance, there are a wide variety of products on the market to clean them.
But it is recommended to use mild detergents that allow an adequate disinfection, but without maintaining powerful chemical odors in the Turkish bath.
However, if we do not have specific products, just use a damp cloth to clean the interior, every 2 months approximately.
Although another alternative is to have an automatic disinfection system that is activated after the session ends.
However, we must not forget to pay special attention to the steam generator, to which we must carry out periodic maintenance evaluations.
It is advisable, to avoid deterioration, that the generators are in ventilated and dry places.
We can also add other products such as a water softener, which significantly reduces the number of mineral salts in the pipes.