When we visit a spa, we intend to obtain relaxation and tranquility, but above all pamper us.
Usually, we seek personalized attention, which makes us feel special for a day, but the effect lasts a while.
Therefore, we should not be wrong and think that the spa is just a pool with jets.
Since, there are many other things that can make us feel great, even more so if we combine them with hydrotherapies.
If you do not know them, we’ll show you what you can not miss when you visit a spa, to get a full experience.
First, as is obvious, the spa circuit. It is the treatment par excellence and the one that most people visit, sometimes because they do not know each other.
Second, we can combine the spa circuit with a massage. Either, relaxing, descontracturante, facial, therapeutic, etc.
The best thing is to inform us about the types of massages we can choose from, and to advise us on which is the right one, depending on the result we want to obtain.
In many centers, you can even get packs. Among the most common that are usually offered are: spa circuit and massage or spa and food.
The spa and food pack is usually one of the most chosen. For two main reasons:
Because usually, we like to spend the day at the spa.
And because the hydrotherapies, in addition to giving a voracious hunger, are also recommended to perform without having a very full stomach, but neither empty.
But, there is a treatment that, despite being wonderfully relaxing, is usually little known by visitors, we refer to, rituals.
There are different types of rituals, both individual and as a couple.
Each center offers some concrete rituals. But some of them are rituals: with seaweed, mud, chocolate, aromatherapy, citrus, etc.
The low demand for rituals is due, mainly to the lack of communication. Well, the client does not get to fully understand what the rituals consist of.
However, do not hesitate to inform yourself to be clear about what each part of the spa consists of, you may be missing something incredible.