What is the pediluvio?
The word pediluvio seems to be the rarest in our ears, however, its meaning is as simple as it literally is “foot washing“.
It was, in the first place, the Romans who began with this ritual in the hot springs and spas, but it has continued to this day.
The feet, with a part of the body to which we pay little attention, compared to the importance they have.
Well, our feet are the pillar that holds our whole body and we must pamper them more than we do.
That’s why most spas have introduced the footbath into their water circuit.
But, far from what we think, it is not a conventional foot washing. The footbath is a way to stimulate the body through the soles of our feet.
If you wonder how this result is achieved, we will explain one of the most stimulating rituals, advised and at the same time, satisfactory for the body.
In general, the footbaths consist of a corridor with boulders or silent on the floor.
On the walls, jets of pressurized water with two temperatures are usually installed. Favoring the activation of circulation.
Another form of pediluvio that we can find is that the stones we must tread are submerged under water.
So to advance we must make a greater effort with the legs, stimulating them even more. Although, many centers have handrails that help us walk on the stones.
Many visitors, skip this part of the spa because it produces a sharp effect on the soles of the feet.
In spite of that, the stones that we will find are treated to avoid an acute pain, only to cause us the necessary discomfort that facilitates the different benefits.
The stimulation of the circulation produced by the lateral jets and the stones under our feet, not only favors our feet, but also balances and regulates the entire body.
Well, it eliminates the excess of liquid retained in the legs, and therefore the toxins that we accumulate, which cause varicose veins.
That is why, although it seems to some to be fraudulent, it is a part of the spa that should be done. Since, its benefits are not only aesthetic, but mainly therapeutic.